POK English catalogue (USA)

POK France - ZI Les Guignons - 10400 Nogent-sur-Seine - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 78 - Fax: +33 (0)3 25 39 84 90 - Email: export@pok.fr - Web: www.pok.fr 215 Dividers, elbows, valves Valves - Full waterway "MONOPOK"...............................216 Valves.......................................................................219 B-druckventil..............................................................221 Siameses - Clappered..................................................222 Dividers without shutoff...............................................224 Dividers (2-way) with ball valves ''BIPOK''......................225 Dividers (3-way) with ball valves ''TRIPOK''....................228 Dividers (4-way) with ball valves ''QUADRIPOK''..............229 Dividers (5-way) with ball valves ''PENTAPOK''...............230 US catalog - Rev E - 02/2016 - Illustrations are only informative Dividers, elbows, valves